Jaroslava Mrizova - Physiotherapist
02.01.2015 19:58 | Hana Robinson
Beautiful, healthy, enthusiastic. And all this in her fifties. Many younger women would be jealous of her slim figure, fabulously rich hair, alabaster skin. Jaroslava Mrizova, a busy businesswoman reveals her secret for beauty. "I am positively obsessed with femininity," says the owner of a beauty salon in Opava and adds that among other things she keeps in shape with Nordic walking.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
You are a beautiful lady. Can you tell us your secret, how to stay beautiful?
Beauty is largely determined genetically. My mother is almost eighty years old and you would notice only few wrinkles on her forehead. In this regard, I was really fortunate. But of course, I too have to take proper care of myself. Beauty is not only what you see on the outside, but also what is happening inside of your body. I pay great attention to the every last cell in my body, read articles about specific issues and even discuss them with experts. Many things have a vast range of bad influences on our health and beauty, from chlorinated water to the fumes from the engines. It is important to know about them and study them.
Would you say that Czech women look after themselves well?
Every single woman has some kind of beauty and it is important to further build on it. Czech women are often unkempt and without a direction in their lives. They experienced twenty five years of wild capitalism and often have health problems, especially with weight. When you reach fifty, it is obviously harder to resist unwanted pounds. The obesity of today's young girls and also their problems with cellulite is striking.
What would you recommend to women as the first step in finding a path to their beauty?
The first step is the hardest. It is important to make a solid decision and stick to it. This is really the key to success. Let me compare this to a runner. The hardest part is to put on your shoes and start running. Once you get on the track, you will get used to the pain, stop suffering and start enjoying it. Many women have said to me that they have tried hard and it did not work. They simply did not try hard enough or did not stick to the plan. So they became skeptical and quit working on themselves. The crucial thing is to persevere in your effort.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
Yes, to persevere can be a real challenge. How do you suggest we can do that?
Ten years ago, I began to discover some inner beauty products, such as vitamins, mineral, and herbal supplements. I started to take interest, to consult with specialists, and mainly to apply these products on myself. Since then I have been very interested for example in Zinc. Organic Zinc is a key component of many hormones, enzymes, and so called functional chelates in the female physique. Zinc deficiency leads to a deficit in production of many compounds based on Zinc, for example collagens, and may result in poor flexibility of the skin, its aging and also poor nail and hair growth. Such information is priceless, but unfortunately it is sometimes hard to get to it.
How do you mean that?
The cosmetics industry, of course, is not happy for general public to have information about the internal cosmetics products. Many research studies are unknown simply because pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries wish so. And sometimes even information about inner cosmetics generally available on the internet suddenly disappears. It really is happening. The cosmetics industry, meaning the outer beauty care, can only manage to cover up problems, especially skin problems, but they cannot cure them. That is why it is necessary to focus on the problems coming from the inside.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
Where do you suggest we can get valid information?
There are beauticians in the Czech Republic who deal with internal cosmetics, beauty salons such as mine in Opava, where information can be found. Those who really want to learn about these things can find the way.
It is said that we are what we eat. What does a balanced diet consists of and what should we definitely not miss in our diet?
Certainly, we are what we eat. Healthy diet should be very clean and above all varied. It is also essential for me personally to look for the origin of foods I buy. I try to avoid shopping in regular supermarkets. The core of my diet comprises of vegetables, particularly salads, fruits and meats. Meat should ideally consist of about five percent of our daily diet.
foto: Lenka Hatašová
It is surprising that you are not following the rising vegetarian trend…
Certainly not. It has been proved beyond doubt that one cannot do without meat, because as humans we are omnivores. However, I only eat fine meat, bio or a brand called Qualivo. This is premium meat that contains half the cholesterol than the usual meat and double the beneficial fatty acids. Such meat is very easily digested. In terms of chicken meat, I buy only from domestic sources of Silesia, where I come from, or from organic farms in the Oder Hills, where there is no pollution. I also pay close attention to how I wash the meat and how I prepare it. The meat needs to be washed with fresh water several times even soaked in yogurt or milk. I wash salads in aerobic oxygen, especially when purchased in regular stores. This happens when I run out of something at home and do not have time to go to my preferred places for groceries. Mostly though I buy organic foods and fresh products. I say that “food is science” and people should act accordingly.
Is it worth buying bio products in the Czech Republic? Are they really that much healthier?
I am a great fan of organic foods. Outside of the Czech Republic, any fraud on bio products would be severely punished, especially by supervisory authorities as Bioland or Demeter. However, I would be very cautious in the Czech Republic, because there are no such authorities. I suggest shopping outside of the country in Austria or Germany.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
Healthy lifestyle seems to be time-consuming. From obtaining information to shopping in Austria or in selected stores, which can be hard to find especially outside of major cities. Where do you find the time?
It is all a matter of time management. Women should act professionally about themselves. Once we have made the decision to work on our beauty and health, we have to play the game. For each and every day I make my schedule and stick to it. Many women waste time in coffee shops chatting with girlfriends. I am also happy to share a nice time with my friends, but a few hours is enough I believe. After that it is only a chit-chat and I rather go the gym.
There is also the financial aspect of healthy lifestyle. Organic foods and high quality cosmetic products can be pricy. How can a Czech woman manage this?
Again, this is a matter of management, in this case financial. Neither I nor my partner smoke or drink alcohol and this saves us a lot of finances. This way I can afford to buy high quality products.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
What do you think about food supplements?
Food supplements are very important. As I already mentioned, for example Selenium and Zinc deficiency can cause major problems for women and need to be supplemented. Dietary supplements should be chosen based on our detailed blood tests, which is done by a specialist. It is very important to use products that are completely organic, non-toxic, bio. I really would not recommend inorganic supplements. It is always good to consult everything with a specialist.
Stores are flooded with many supplementary products. How do you choose the right ones? Should we consult this with our doctor?
The prices of these products can vary and the very cheap products do not work and their free radicals can even hurt your body. I am not saying that higher price guarantees higher quality, but it is usually a good indicator. You must carefully examine the package leaflet.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
What specifically should we look for?
The most important information is whether the ingredients of the desired substance come from an organic source. Organic compounds can be trusted. If we come across any inorganic salts, we should not buy the product. This is the easiest and quickest way how to differentiate among all these products.
You are the owner of beauty salon in Opava. What gave you the idea to start a business in this area?
The idea came first after I realized how many women have their lymphatic system clogged. I became very interested in the vacuum pressing system and attended several courses, particularly in Vienna.
What do you focus on in your salon?
Our main focus is on the vacuum pressing system, which I have been applying in my salon for thirteen years. The lymphatic system has the function of body sewage, but does not have a pump. Veins and arteries have a pump, the heart. The lymphatic system needs to be pumped up and put into motion.
For example, I had a client who came to me with a swollen neck and completely clogged lymphatic system. In two months she left my salon twenty pounds lighter and healthy. The feeling that I can help someone was great. Furthermore, we provide massages and individual advisory services for women how to take care of their health and beauty.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
How do you make your clients keep coming back? How to gain their trust?
The main indicator is of course the way I look and feel myself. My clients then can see on their own if the products and services, which I offered them, work. I believe that's why I have a following of satisfied clients. I try every single product on myself before applying it to my clients.
What kind of products do you use in your salon?
My philosophy is simple: "Only the best is good enough." And this goes for myself and as well as for my clients. I only use high quality cosmetic products, usually French, Italian or Canadian brands of pure organic cocoa. I also eat Xocai healthy chocolate as it is full of antioxidants. Only after I myself try out these things, I feel comfortable recommending them to my clients.

foto: Lenka Hatašová
How do you keep in shape? Are you a fan of long walks, gym or even extreme sports as your partner, rally driver?
I do some kind of exercise every day, mainly Nordic walking, which I fell in love with. During autumn and winter I go to the gym with my partner to do various exercises. I like doing circuit training workout especially tailored to female body that trims and tones at the same time. I am no adrenalin junkie.
Last but not least comes the sleep. Do you have time to get enough rest and your beauty sleep?
The best way to relax is by exercising. My parents were farmers so I was used to physical work, running around, helping. There were times when I had three jobs at a time and no time to rest. There is a big problem in Silesia with drinking, especially with men. Women have to take care of the household themselves. For a long time I have worked hard and rested a little. However, today I sleep on average seven hours a night and take enough rest, usually by some kind of workout. Sleep is essential for beauty. And we should not forget about it!
Thank you for the interview.
Text: Hana Robinson
Photo: Lenka Hatašová www.lenkahatasova.com
Designhotel Elephant Prague www.hotel-elephant.cz
Grandior Hotel Prague www.hotel-grandir.cz
LE Hotels Group
Produkce: Michaela Lejsková
Publisher: Profesní magazín Best of www.ibestof.cz

foto: Lenka Hatašová

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